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Middle Schools and High Schools in East IdahoAndrea Jardine2022-05-19T15:43:51+00:00

East Idaho Middle and Jr .High Schools
Here is a map of all of the Middle Schools and Jr. High Schools in the Eastern Idaho Area. Provided by Andrea Jardine Realty. Click on each pin on the map for more information about each school.
Call me for more detailed information on each school – 208-520-6363
Did you know?
Public Charter Schools in Eastern Idaho (and throughout the state) are publicly funded and free of charge to the public? Many charter schools in Idaho Falls bus from all over the area, including Shelley and Rigby. And some are K-12! I am Vice Chair on the Board of Directors at Taylor’s Crossing Charter School in Idaho Falls and I’m happy to answer any questions you might have about Charter Schools. Each Public Charter School in East Idaho has a distinct culture and social environment. They each have their own unique vision and goals and they are definitely worth checking out!